In this post, we will apply linear regression to Boston Housing Dataset on all available features. In our previous post, we have already applied linear regression and tried to predict the price from a single feature of a dataset i.e. RM: Average number of rooms. We are going to use Boston Housing dataset which contains information […]
Building simple Linear Regression model using Python’s Sci-kit library
Here in this post, we will build a simple linear regression model using Python‘s Sci-kit learn/Sklearn library. When it comes to defining Machine Learning, we can say its an art and science of giving machines especially computers an ability to learn to make a decision from data and all that without being explicitly programmed. The […]
Performing Linear Regression using Least Squares
Linear regression is defined as a linear approach which is used to model the relationship between dependent variable and one or more independent variable(s). When we try to model the relationship between a single feature variable and a single target variable, it is called simple linear regression. But when there is more than one independent […]