If you are following Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence, you might know that most of the data generated in the last 3-4 years and this makes Machine Learning and Artifical Intelligence the hottest job of the 21st century. Machine Learning is not only improving Business Processes and decision but also used in the background to […]
Explaining Principal Component Analysis using Python in Machine Learning
Here in this post, we will see the maths behind Principal Component Analysis using Python and then will also see how to implement it using Sklearn library. Whatever you do in your day to day life, you are generating a tremendous amount of data that can be used by business to improve their products, to […]
Dimension Reduction with Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Here, in this post, we’ll see how to perform Dimension Reduction with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using Sklearn library and also learn basic idea about dimension reduction and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Data is everywhere. Whatever you do in your day to day life will generate a tremendous amount of data that can be used by […]
Applying Linear Regression to Boston Housing Dataset
In this post, we will apply linear regression to Boston Housing Dataset on all available features. In our previous post, we have already applied linear regression and tried to predict the price from a single feature of a dataset i.e. RM: Average number of rooms. We are going to use Boston Housing dataset which contains information […]
How to Split Data for Machine Learning with scikit-learn
In this post, we will see how to split data for Machine Learning with scikit-learn/sklearn as its always a best practice to split your data into train and test set. As in our previous post, we defined Machine Learning as an art and science of giving machines especially computers an ability to learn to make […]
Building simple Linear Regression model using Python’s Sci-kit library
Here in this post, we will build a simple linear regression model using Python‘s Sci-kit learn/Sklearn library. When it comes to defining Machine Learning, we can say its an art and science of giving machines especially computers an ability to learn to make a decision from data and all that without being explicitly programmed. The […]